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Under the motto “Discover your talent”, the European Commission encourages stakeholders from all over Europe to organise events on a local, regional or national level.
Since February 2018 the project „Recognition in Germany“ is also on Facebook. Apart from information on recognition of professional qualifications their Facebook webpage offers in particular a platform for dialogue and exchange.
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. Almost 90% of applicants who wish to work as seller receive full equivalence. In most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 40% to 80%.
In the new country profile you will find detailed information on the structure and country-specific characteristics of the vocational training system of Cyprus. Furthermore, the map of the vocational training system allows you to quickly classify the qualifications.
In the new country profile you will find detailed information on the structure and country-specific characteristics of the vocational training system of Ecuador. Furthermore, the map of the vocational training system allows you to quickly classify the qualifications.
The report was adopted by the Federal Government on 11 December 2019 and subsequently submitted to the German Bundestag. The complete report is now also available in an English version and can be downloaded as a PDF document or ordered as a printed version.
On 1 October 2019 a new funding directive for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications comes into force. It expands the funding opportunities. In future, it will also be possible to get funding for certificate evaluations from the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).