New Statistics: Recognition is becoming ever more important!

The Federal Statistical Office published the statistics on the Recognition Act this October. The number of new applications, filed for the recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad, in 2015 was 19,389. This represents an increase of 10 percent compared to the previous year. Since the Act came into effect in 2012, more than 63,000 applications have already been submitted. The recognition process is becoming increasingly popular. This is a positive signal, especially for economy, because it implies that, more skilled international workers with recognized professional qualifications can strengthen local companies.

The majority of recognition procedures ended positively: the rate of rejection remained at 2.6%, which is even below previous years’ rejection level. As before, the vast majority of recognition procedures involved medical professions. However, the number of applications from people with dual vocational degrees  has risen to a share of almost 26 percent of 2015’s  new applications (23.5 percent in 2014). According to statistics, most applicants in 2015 completed their training in Romania (1,938 applications), followed by Poland (1,881) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (1,536). In 2015, Syria was ranked seventh among the most popular countries in the recognition process, with just under 800 procedures. It is, however, to be assumed that the number of applications will keep increasing. Many of the refugees who came to Germany in 2015 are expected to submit their applications in this or the upcoming years.