The most important professions for the selected countries of training 2018

The most applications for recognition processed in 2018 were filed by the Syrians. The majority of recognition notifications were issued for doctors. A much lower number of recognition notifications concerned dentists, pharmacists, general nurses and office clerks. For most professions, the number of applications is between 30 and 70.


The most applications for recognition processed in 2018 were filed by the Syrians. The majority of recognition notifications were issued for doctors. A much lower number of recognition notifications concerned dentists, pharmacists, general nurses and office clerks. For most professions, the number of applications is between 30 and 70.

Regarding the regulated professions such as doctors and pharmacists, more than 35% of Syrian applicants received full equivalence in 2018. The success rate for Syrian office clerks stands at 42 % and for cooks at 60 %. The lowest success rate have bank clerks, medical laboratory technicians and medical radiology technicians.

Syrian professional qualifications: applications processed and applications granted full equivalence by profession, 2018

Anzahl der Anerkennungsbescheide und Anteil der Bescheide über volle Gleichwertigkeit 2018 für syrische Berufsqualifikationen nach Berufen EN
Professions with at least 30 applications processed.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

A significant share of applicants wishing to have their foreign professional qualifications recognised in Germany were trained in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The largest number of recognition procedures concerned professions such as general care nurse. The applications for recognition as doctors, physiotherapists, pharmacists and electronic technicians are also worth mentioning.

Over 75 % of applications submitted by electronic technicians and electrical systems technicians trained in Bosnia and Herzegovina were granted full equivalence. In contrast, physiotherapists, general care and pediatric nurses were rarely granted full equivalence.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: applications processed and applications granted full equivalence by profession, 2018

Anzahl der Anerkennungsbescheide und Anteil der Bescheide über volle Gleichwertigkeit 2018 für Berufsqualifikationen aus Bosnien und Herzegowina nach Berufen EN
Professions with at least 30 applications processed.


The majority of the recognition notifications are issued for regulated professions, especially general care nurses, followed by doctors, pediatric nurses, electronic technicians and physiotherapists.

The success rate in the regulated professions with an exception of doctors stands at below 50 %. Among the crafts, the electronic technicians receive full equivalence in 78 % of the cases.

Serbian professional qualifications: applications processed and applications granted full equivalence by profession, 2018

Anzahl der Anerkennungsbescheide und Anteil der Bescheide über volle Gleichwertigkeit 2018 für serbischen Berufsqualifikationen nach Berufen EN
Professions with at least 30 applications processed.


The majority of the recognition notifications are issued for regulated professions, especially general care nurses, followed by doctors, dentists and physiotherapists.

The majority of applicants receive full equivalence. This is especially the case with regulated professions. The success rate of the cases with regulated professions with exception of physiotherapists stands over 90 %. The recognition rate of those wishing to work as office clerk is very low (28 %). Romanian physiotherapists receive full equivalence in 34 % of the cases.

Romanian professional qualifications: applications processed and applications granted full equivalence by profession, 2018

Anzahl der Anerkennungsbescheide und Anteil der Bescheide über volle Gleichwertigkeit 2018 für rumänische Berufsqualifikationen nach Berufen  EN
Professions with at least 30 applications processed.


There is a great variance regarding the recognised professions. The regulated professional nurses rank first, but many notifications were issued also in non-regulated professions such as office clerks, electrical systems technicians, sellers, electronic technicians and motor vehicle mechatronics technicians.

The recognition rate of those trained in Poland varies depending on the profession concerned. In 2018, 98 % of Polish sellers received full equivalence. The majority of those wishing to work in regulated professions such as doctors or general care nurses receive full equivalence. However, the electrical systems technicians and office clerks trained in Poland were granted full equivalence in accordingly 91 % and 71 % of the cases.

Polish professional qualifications: applications processed and applications granted full equivalence by profession, 2018

Anzahl der Anerkennungsbescheide und Anteil der Bescheide über volle Gleichwertigkeit 2018 für polnische Berufsqualifikationen nach Berufen EN
Professions with at least 30 applications processed.